Community & Meetings


We hear it over and over again: “I wish I had known sooner that I’m not the only one going through these things. I tried to work through it all on my own, and it got me nowhere.” This is the chief reason why Reclamation exists: as a way to connect to constructive conversations about sexuality and faith, and to others who have been walking the same road.

At its broadest, Reclamation is a network of Christians who are directly or tangentially connected to LGBTQ+ issues and have expressed an interest in meeting with other like-minded folks for support and resource-sharing. At its narrowest, Reclamation is a set of monthly community meetings led by a small group of pastors, parents, and others with deep connections to these topics.

Monthly Meetings

On the 2nd Saturday of each month, we get together in groups to talk. We’ve tried many times to pick a lane between “support group” and “discussion group,” but we’ve ultimately accepted that these meetings are a bit of both; personal stories and weighty questions are interspersed with new studies and current events. Encouragement and prayer are constants.

Separate groups are available depending on your relation to LGBTQ+ matters:

  1. the “Me” Meeting: for folks who personally experience same sex attraction, gender dysphoria, or any other non-cisgender/heterosexual experiences.

  2. the “Mine” Meeting: for folks with family members, friends, or acquaintances on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, or for anyone else interested in learning more about these topics.

  3. the “Ministry” Meeting: for pastors and church leaders eager to develop their ability to connect with and care for LGBTQ+ folks.

Each group meets over Zoom, accessible via a meeting link emailed out beforehand.

Please note that we, like every other topical group out there, run our discussions on several assumptions about those joining us. Given the personal, vulnerable nature of these conversations, a degree of caution will be used in admitting new members. Unlike the Fraternal Order of Real Bearded Santas, however, our expectations for attendees are very simple:

  • First, we assume that you are joining us happily and voluntarily; we don’t support the “mandatory attendance” attitude by which these topics have been imposed on others in the past.

  • Second, we assume that you are, in fact, here for a discussion and not for a heated debate. Full philosophical agreement is unlikely and challenges are welcome, but it’s super important that conversations stay respectful regardless of the subject matter.

  • Thirdly, given the small church world in which we operate, there is a reasonable chance that you will run into acquaintances in our meetings. We assume that you are both aware of this and prepared to respond with grace and respect should it occur.

  • Finally, we assume that all personal details shared here will remain confidential, unless expressly stated otherwise by those to whom they pertain.

If all of that aligns with your intentions, you’ve got nothing to worry about and we’re excited to meet you!

To get connected, send us a message using the Contact form.

Not sure yet? Send us a message anyway, and we can discuss whether this group might be helpful to you.

Let us know what you’re looking for!